There are so many messages delivered over a 12month period or more, and the Neighborhood Guide is a rollup of the key ones that the employees need to know to comfortably navigate and work in their new neighborhoods.
Depending on the project team structure, the FM Manager may kick-off the development of this comprehensive conversation guide that Neighborhood Managers can share with their teams. The Neighborhood Support guide must be ready in time for the move to new premises.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the importance of creating a support document for the Neighborhoods to help you have purposeful and meaningful discussions on why the workplace is operating how it is and what is expected from everyone to make sure that all employees get the best from it.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Students will gain an understanding of the key objectives of Stores Management for their organisation. Topics will cover objectives, key functions and risks associated for the Stores Department.
The FM will provide relevant Support teams with documentation/artefacts and start talking to other key stakeholders such as People & Culture, Change & Comms, Brand, Internal Comms and the Security teams about the training and education experience for staff.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the big engagement pieces such as End of Trip and Etiquette Guidelines.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Students will gain the understanding of how to Identify and prioritise the various threats arrayed against them or their organisation as a whole and identify vulnerabilities in their organisation. Learn about the requirement of a security plan and how important it is to make credible safety & security recommendations to management.
Students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of Vendor Management which is an essential business process in building value for the organisation. This course is for anyone who interacts with vendors on a day-to-day basis.
Students will gain an understanding of techniques involved in developing good housekeeping practice including the roles and responsibilities of housekeeping team members in day-to-day operations.
The Facilities Manager is not just “managing facilities”, they are accountable for handling a wide array of services.