Unforeseen circumstances and issues will crop up throughout your career, now is an ideal time to identify strategies for coping and resolving issues that may not seem clear in the moment.
Often problems identify a need for a change, whether it's upskilling a member of your team, a policy change, a new piece of technology, or moving to a new building, change itself can bring its own set of problems and issues that need to be managed.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of how to identify issues or changes and provide strategies to reduce or mitigate their effects.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Security starts with every individual, and it is important that we all remain proactive in security matters irrespective of how overriding our normal responsibilities may be.
A proactive approach to security is the most effective way that staff can assist in building and enhancing an effective security culture. This means that each of us needs to be alert to our surroundings and report suspicious persons, events, and circumstances to our supervisors.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the common workplace security policies and processes that you can adopt and monitor to facilitate a safe working environment for everyone.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Strong relationships will make your work easier, as well as ensuring customers receive excellent service. The adage of treating others how you would want to be treated yourself really rings true in the workplace.
Positive relationships are built on trust and open communication. This will translate into an environment where people share suggestions and ideas, leading to innovation and service excellence. It will also create an enjoyable environment to work in and people will like working with you.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the techniques when understanding and translating points, and how it helps relationships and smooths over difficult situations.
Approximately 20 Minutes
There have been many advances in the last 30 years in workspace planning.
Organizations are looking to create innovative spaces that encourage and facilitate new ways of working and thinking.
The way an organization utilizes its space helps to communicate the workplace culture, which will influence the way employees relate to the organization and interact with it.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of your organization's aims when planning space, focusing on community building and collaboration, and how different space typologies can support this aim.
Approximately 20 Minutes
All aspects of performance in the workplace should be monitored and reviewed, not only our personal performance. From vendors to policy and procedure documents, everything must be reviewed and checked that it aligns with the customers’ needs and meets your organizational goals.
Monitoring various activities, processes and stakeholders will enable continuous improvement, risk mitigation and performance enhancement. Having a clear evaluation of issues or potential problems will allow you to plan and mitigate them before they affect your service delivery or workload.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the need to plan for performance reviews or appraisals.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Clarification is an essential part of communication and in today’s digital age, communications can be fast, but can be just as easily misunderstood.
As a customer service provider, you will receive instructions and requests in many different forms. You need to follow these instructions or deliver the request to give service excellence. This means you must understand what is being asked of you.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the different tools and techniques that can be used when listening to others and clarifying what others are saying to you.
Approximately 20 Minutes