Estimating is one of the 7 key processes in the Project Time Management Knowledge Area.
Estimating can be a complex exercise but even simple estimating techniques are much better than using no techniques.
Before creating a schedule, it is valuable for the Project Manager and Project Team to go through each work breakdown structure element and identify the activities that are required.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of estimating activity resources and durations during your project including cost of equipment or supplies required to perform the activity.
Approximately 20 Minutes
As a member of the project team, you are expected to understand the many stages of a project and how deliverables and activities will be undertaken and in what order throughout the project lifecycle.
The Accommodation timeline is the high level roadmap that indicates the project junctures and where you and your team will be involved in the project in order to deliver all the essential support and services needed by the client. Understanding the Accommodation Timeline and how the projects starts and the junctures where the different project team members work is essential to all team members.
It is important that each project team member become familiar with your projects accommodation project timeline and understand who is doing what role in each of these project phases.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of where you fit in, in any project, when you are undertaking the role of Workplace Strategist or Change Manager, and learn about each phase of a typical commercial accommodation project.
Approximately 20 Minutes
The Project Manager (PM) must document the client, stakeholder groups and individuals. Each stakeholder group or individual will have their own set of project priorities and outcome objectives which must be identified and documented.
The PM must identify how the project intends to deliver on each stakeholder’s priorities and objectives, what influence each stakeholder will have on the project and level of communication is required with each stakeholder.
The PM may not have visibility on all stakeholders at the time of starting out in the project, however must identify those that are impacted by or have influence on the projects outcomes that are known to the project at this early stage.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the importance of defining what each role is responsible for, on a project team.
Approximately 10 Minutes
A Change and Communication Strategy or Framework is a high level document to formulate the big picture of a change project noting its project structure, key stakeholders and key dates. It is not the activities broken down prescriptively month by month.
Change and Communication Strategy is needed for leadership endorsement, aligning vision, and heads up of what's ahead, as well as for securing the right resources and capabilities.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of how to get information you need and from whom to develop the Change & Communications Strategy, how to measure and report on the management effectiveness and implementation of the change program, as well as how to seek endorsement of the strategy.
Approximately 20 Minutes
Students will gain an understanding of factors to consider when choosing whether to lease or buy a commercial property for business operations.
During your working day information is constantly being received, exchanged, and passed along. As a customer service provider, you will be required to report information through various streams and in different modes.
Although there will be routine parts of your working day, as a customer service provider your main goal is to efficiently and proactively meet customers' needs. Customers' needs can change from day to day, customer to customer. This means you need to pay attention to all the information you are provided and analyze it to determine what you need to do to ensure you are delivering customer service excellence.
In this course, you will gain an understanding of the importance of information flows throughout the business, how to analyze and interpret information to determine your work, and how to pass on relevant information in a timely manner.
Approximately 20 Minutes